Pairing your sparkling water drinks with food

Did you know that here in Australia we have some of the best tap water in the world? If you know how to pair it right, water can complement your dish and even enhance your culinary experience. But where should you start?

Pairing Sparkling Water with Food

There is so much to know about pairing your sparkling water with food! The common misconception is that water is a tasteless drink, but many sommeliers will tell you that there are actually changes in flavour depending on where it was sourced, if and how it is filtered and of course if it has any added flavours such as fruits or herbs.

Sparkling Water with your appetiser

Let’s start with a course of appetisers – sparkling water is a great way to awaken your palate at the beginning of every meal. Pair your drink with a small salty starter to really rev up the appetite. If you are enjoying a light salad between your courses – sparkling water also adds some sensation to your mouth and enhances the freshness of your food.

Sparkling Water with your Main Course

For the main course, it’s all dependent of the type of food you are serving – for a simple pasta, rice or bread dish, some sparkling water enhanced with a light touch of citrus will brighten the dish and add some subtle sweetness.

However if you are thinking of serving a more meaty dish (such as red meat or poultry) you’ll want some super bubbly water to stand up to the bold flavours, much like a glass of sparkling wine would.

Try experimenting with your flavours and food too! – For instance, SodaStream offer a great Ginger Beer flavour that will offer a bold taste that challenges, without overwhelming a delicious meaty dish.

Sparkling Water with your Dessert

But what about dessert we hear you ask? If opting for a sweet dish, the bubbles in your sparkling water can help to elevate the sensory experience or if you are enjoying something more savoury, you can offer a counterpoint to the flavours of your dish, by bringing some sweetness into your sparkling water though adding some fresh fruit such as slices of melon or some lightly muddled berries.

So next time you think your tap water is dull – try adding some sparkle and experiment with a bit of flavour!

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