SodaStream's Sustainability

SodaStream empowers consumers to create personalized sparkling experiences with just a push of a button, by allowing its users to make better choices for themselves and the planet.

But why is it so important? Well, if things continue as they are, by 2050 the oceans will contain more plastic waste than fish, ton for ton.

A report commissioned by the Australian Marine Conservation Society and WWF Australia has found that the plastics consumed nationally in the 2019-20 financial year created 16m tonnes of greenhouse gases.

Sadly recycling isn’t going to solve this problem, as according to the most recent National Waste Report prepared for The Department of Climate Change, Energy, only 12.4% of all waste is recycled nationally in Australia. 

That means that of the 2.63 megatonnes of plastic waste was generated in 2020–21, only 12.4% of it was recycled, with the remainder being sent to landfills. 

In addition, this isn't taking into account all the resources required to create, transport or recycle these materials - it takes far more petrol and water to create or recycle single-use plastic bottles than they can hold!

But it’s not all doom and gloom, as just one SodaStream can save up to THOUSANDS of single-use plastic bottles! But our efforts don’t stop there! 

 SodaStream has a commitment to sustainability that goes beyond our products.

Our commitment to sustainability extends to our manufacturing process. Our manufacturing facilities in Israel are all powered by 100% renewable energy.

Our new generation of Sparkling Water Makers are produced from up to 25% recycled materials. The Art & Terra Sparkling Water Makers have also been certified as carbon measured by the Carbon Trust.

AND our packaging is recyclable! Our flavour bottles are made from recycled plastic, and are also 100% recyclable!

These are just a few ways that we work to sparkle more sustainably and Push for Better! 

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